About Hand Watering System
Hand watering your plants is still one of the easiest and cheapest ways to grow.
The problems with hand watering are they cannot be linked together and often leave your plants sat in water. Roots sat in water will die and eventually rot, this will cause root disease in your plant and may weaken it. Also, salt will build up in the pot, in some cases leading to nutrient lock-out. Flushing your plants are almost impossible, as is collecting run-off.
With the new IWS hand-watering system all this is a thing of the past!
Building a Hand Watering System
Building a hand-watering system from IWS is easy.
First choose what size pots you need and how many you’d like to run; 10 litre, 16 litre or 25 litre. You’ll then need sealing glands for all your pots along with fittings. We recommend using an IWS run to waste control unit to pump away any excess from your pots, this can then be connected to a holding tank or can run to a drain. Once all the pots are connected together and linked to a run to waste brain you will find feeding the plants very easy.
Feed from the top of the pot allowing all the growing medium to become saturated. Any excess water will run into the base pot and out through the gland. When hand feeding a 20% run off is allows recommended along with flushing or leaching of the growing medium .
With the HWS this now easier and more easily controlled.